How To Find Route in Pokémon Go – 3 Steps To Follow

Want to discover new places to catch Pokémon beyond your neighbourhood? Routes are a fun feature in Pokémon GO that lets you follow trails set by other trainers, making exploration easy and rewarding.

In this blog post, we will cover how to find routes in Pokémon Go, preview their details, select one to follow, and navigate along the path to new discoveries.

Also, read our recent blog about How to Easily Beat Kingdra in Pokémon Go

What are the routes in Pokémon GO?

In Pokémon GO, routes are paths that other trainers can follow. By selecting a route, you’ll be guided along a marked trail between interesting places to catch Pokémon and spin PokeStops.

Completing routes earns rewards and badges while also providing a new way to explore beyond the map. Your buddy can even gain hearts by walking routes together. They offer an easy method for discovering new spots all over town.

3 Steps On Finding Route In Pokémon Go App

To find a route in Pokémon GO, you can follow these steps.

1. Finding Routes Near You

The initial stage is getting the Pokémon GO app running to access game features and view your location on the map. From there, you can begin exploring route options close by.

Launching the Pokémon GO App

The first step is opening the Pokémon GO application on your smartphone or tablet. This starts up the game and loads your player profile, Pokémon collection, and map of your surrounding area. From the main screen, you’ll see the button for navigating to different game features located along the bottom edge.

Navigating To the “Routes” Tab

After launching the app, look for the button shaped like binoculars at the bottom right of the screen. When you tap this, it will open the “Nearby” menu, where you can find the “Routes” tab to view paths created by other players that pass near your location.

Viewing Nearby Routes

Once you click the “Routes” tab, you will see paths that other Pokémon GO trainers who are passing through your neighborhood have mapped out. These routes appear on the screen with their starting point marked.

You can then tap on a route to see more details, like its length and estimated time to complete it. This makes it easy to find trails to follow right from your current location.

Expanding Your Search Area

If the routes shown are all too close by and you want to discover options farther afield, tap the “See Nearby Routes” button to widen the search radius. More paths will then load on the map, so you have a better selection of routes to choose from wherever you want to explore that day.

2. Previewing and Selecting a Route

By tapping routes, trainers can access detailed information to evaluate which paths may best suit their needs before beginning their exploration.

Tapping On a Route to Preview Details

Once you’ve spotted a route on the map that interests you, tap on its path to learn more before starting your adventure. A pop-up window will provide specifics about the trail, such as its total distance, estimated time to complete, and a brief description of sights to see along the way.

This previews what to expect so you can ensure the route matches your skill level and activity goals for that play session.

Choosing a Route To Follow

After reviewing the details of different options, select one by tapping the “Followbutton. This will save the route and provide guidance as you make your way along the marked trail on your journey to new discoveries in the world of Pokémon GO.

3. Following the Selected Route

Trainers can now locate the starting point pinned on their map and sync their real-world movement to follow the selected path.

Locating the Starting Point

Once a route is chosen, the game will drop a pin on your map at the trailhead. Tapping this pin pulls up a helpful information card with the route name and starting point address.

It may be a local park, a neighbourhood landmark, or a public space. To begin your guided adventure, simply head to this location in real life to synchronise with the on-screen navigation.

Navigating Along the Marked Path

As you walk, the game will follow your progress and display the route as a coloured line on your map. Periodic markers confirm you’re still on track to reach new destinations. Just keep the line in view to stay guided down the path towards exciting discoveries.

Reaching the Endpoint

Following the navigation line, trainers will spot their approach to the route’s conclusion marked with an endpoint pin. Upon arriving, they can review what Pokémon or other surprises may have been uncovered along the journey. The adventure has reached its destination!

Final Words:

Finding new routes to explore in Pokémon Go is easy. First, open the app and go to the “Routes” tab. This shows paths created by other trainers near you. Select one that looks interesting by tapping its details. Check the route’s length and description. Then tap “Follow” to save it.

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